March 2011 Here we are again in the 2011 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Boston.
Events: 501st at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Boston
March 2009 Some TV footage of the 501st NEG at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Boston.
Events: Weird Al & 501NEG at the Meadowbrook Performing Arts Center
August 2008 The 501st New England Garrison was invited to be on the stage with Weird Al. He was singing Anakin Guy, and we were “trooping”. Check it out. Here’s what R2 was doing after the event.
Drones: Goby 210 lunch break
June 2016 Flew the Goby 210 at lunch. This was at the Towle Field / Reservation in Carlisle, MA. It’s a secret place (not so secret now) that me and my friend Chris used to fly at. There are all of these birdies that go there to nest, but we…
Drones: Goby 210 practice session
June 2016 You know you hate work, when you leave for 2 hours to go fly 15 batteries. Luckily there’s a flying field right across the street from where I (used to) work. Middlesex RC “owns” the field and they were nice enough to let me fly there. Flying a…
Drones: Tweaker crash trying flip stalls
Who’s stupid enough to practice flip stalls in the fog………….. yeah, that’s me. 🙂 I wonder why I crashed? It wasn’t because I sucked at flying…..well I do, but that’s a different story. I ran out of battery….freaking Turnigys! Needless to say, I switched all my batteries to Tattus or…
Drones: Shendrones Tweaker 4S at Good Harbor Beach
April 2016 Built a Tweaker 4S with 4 inch props. . This was my first time I flew pinching the sticks instead of using thumbs. Rotor Riot had a video and they said that you had better control flying with 2 fingers on a stick vs. 1. I have to…
Drones: Armattan Morphite at Magnolia Field
September 2015 I found this really good flying field about 3 miles from my house. It has about 5 soccer/football fields, and a really great view. In this video, I’m flying an Armattan Morphite “mini” quad. It was my first quad using 4 inch props and has 1800kv motors. Pretty…
Drones: MXP230 on Coffins Beach
I think this was the last run with the MXP230. In August of 2015, I moved to Gloucester, MA and there’s a beach about 1/2 mile from our house. I was flying pretty conservatively because I didn’t know the area, and didn’t know if I’d get in trouble. I’m pretty…
Drones: Trifecta PID tuning run
This was taken in May 2015. It was on a Trifecta tricopter. Pretty shaking by today’s standards, but for the time it was pretty good for a plastic frame. Check out how low I get at 3:33 on the video. Can you tell I love the shadows that tricopters make?